C++QED  v2 Milestone 10
a framework for simulating open quantum dynamics
CMake config files

CMake config files export targets and variables so that other projects can use them. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for CMake config files:


 C++QED config
 Export targets and variables for the core component.
 C++QED elements config
 Export targets and variables for the elements component.

Detailed Description

CMake config files export targets and variables so that other projects can use them.

ProjectConfig.cmake file concept

Cmake can export library targets, which other projects can import and use (both external or sub-projects). For this to work, a special file ProjectConfig.cmake (in our case for example CPPQEDConfig.cmake) has to be created, so that it can be loaded by CMake's find_package() command.

Imported library targets cannot be built by the importing project. However, they can be used for linking and are included in dependency checks, i.e. if the imported library changes targets using them are re-linked.

Typically, besides announcing targets to the importing project, the ProjectConfig.cmake also defines a couple of variables, e.g. where to find the header files, which compile flags to use, which features of the library are available etc.

It is also possible to create two versions of the ProjectConfig.cmake file: one to be used with the build tree and one which gets installed along with the library. In order that importing projects can find the build tree version, the build tree has to be recorded in CMakes package registry, or the importing project has to be configured with -DProject_DIR. The installed version of ProjectConfig.cmake is found automatically if the install prefix points to a system directory, otherwise one can configure the importing project with -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH.

One has to make sure, when creating the two versions of ProjectConfig.cmake, that the variables propagated within are pointing to the right paths, respectively (e.g. include directory paths).

Together with the config file, typically a version file ProjectConfigVersion.cmake is created. The version file tells find_package() whether this library is compatible with the version requested by find_package(). In C++QED, only the major and minor part of the version is recorded (2.9 for the master branch and 2.99 for the development branch), and only an exact match is allowed, because master and development branch are incompatible to each other.

Creating config files

In C++QED, ProjectConfig.cmake files are created for the core and elements components, and used in every sub-project which depends on core or elements. The former is named CPPQEDConfig.cmake, and the latter is called CPPQEDelementsConfig.cmake. For each custom elements project, a config file CPPQED<elementprojectname>Config.cmake is created automatically by elements_project().

The creation of the project config files goes along the lines of this tutorial, with two exceptions: The ProjectConfigVersion.cmake file is created without a template by calling write_basic_package_version_file(), and we make use of configure_package_config_file(), which helps making the resulting package relocatable.

To sum it up, these are the main steps. After writing a ProjectConfig.cmake.in template which includes the file <export-name>.cmake form the directory ${CONF_CMAKE_DIR}, in the main CMakeLists.txt one has to: