From utils what deserves documentation.
template<typename A>
template <int N, int Nbeg>, inherits publicly from boost::mpl::range_c<int,Nbeg,Nbeg+N> (Cf. semantics)
Contains a compile-time assertion of N being nonnegative.
template <typename Seq, typename ICW>
Seq is a Boost.MPL forward sequence, and ICW is a compliant integral constant wrapper.
This metaalgorithm differs from boost::mpl::contains in that it does not look for whether ICW as a type is contained in Seq, but whether the value held (statically) by ICW is held by any element of the type sequence Seq.
template <int N>, inherits publicly from boost::mpl::int_<N/2> (Cf. semantics)
Contains a compile-time assertion of N being an even number.
template <int V0=TMPTOOLS_VECTOR_DEFAULT_ARG, ...>
inherits publicly from cpputils::Exception
template <typename T, int RANK>
Returns a unary view of array.
This is meant to be used only if the underlying storage is contiguous, because while a multi-rank array may be able to represent a view of memory of some more or less intricate structure pattern (e.g. slices), a unary array is not capable of this. In debug mode, violation is detected at runtime via the blitz::Array class’s isStorageContiguous member function and an exception of type NonContiguousStorageException is thrown.
The returned array does not take part in the reference-counting mechanism of blitz::Array, therefore, it does not own its data, and …
… the returned array has no means of ensuring that the referenced data still exists.
inherits publicly from cpputils::Exception
template <typename T, int TWO_TIMES_RANK>
Returns a binary view of array. TWO_TIMES_RANK must be an even number, violation is detected at compile time by tmptools::IsEvenAssert.
The same requirement of contiguity an the same warning applies as above, and in addition, further assumptions on the storage order must be made: The storage of the two multi-indeces must not be intertwined and must be layed out in the same way, so that e.g. for RANK=4, the member function array.ordering() should return an octary tiny vector like:
<1 3 2 0 | 5 7 6 4>
Violation is detected at runtime, and an exception of type BinaryArrayOrderingErrorException is thrown.
template <int RANK1, int RANK2, bool MULT>
Returns the direct product (if tag is a true boolean constant wrapper) , or direct sum (otherwise)
of array1 and array2, with
running through all the multi-indices. The implementation is in terms of unaryArray views of the arguments.
template <typename T1, typename T2, int RANK1, int RANK2>
Concatenates tiny1 and tiny2 with the help of the compile-time–runtime facility boost::mpl::for_each. T2 must be convertible to T1.
template<typename T, int TWO_TIMES_RANK>