C++QEDCore  2.100.2 (v2 Milestone 10 Development branch)
a framework for simulating open quantum dynamics – core
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
  compositesComprises composite systems BinarySystem and Composite and relating utilities
 Act.hDefines the helper class composite::_
 BinarySystem.hDefines class of the same name
 Composite.hDefines class of the same name
 SubSystem.hDefines composite::SubSystemFree and composite::SubSystemsInteraction
 Doxygen.hCollecting the macros and for compilation configuration to one place for documentation with doxygen + documents directories. This file is never included in the framework
 ArrayBase.hDefines class of the same name
 DensityOperator.hDefines class of the same name
 DimensionsBookkeeper.hDefines class of the same name
 DistributionFunctions.hTools for calculating Wigner functions from density operators
 LazyDensityOperator.hDefines class of the same name
 LazyDensityOperatorSliceIterator.hDefines quantumdata::ldo::DiagonalIterator
 NegPT.hDeclares the function calculating the negativity of a partially transposed density operator
 NonOrthogonalDensityOperator.hDefines class of the same name
 NonOrthogonalStateVector.hDefines class of the same name
 StateVector.hDefines class of the same name
 Types.hDefines class of the same name
 Sigma.hDefines class of the same name
 Tridiagonal.hDefines class of the same name
 TridiagonalHamiltonian.hDefines class of the same name
 DO_Display.hDefines display_densityoperator::_
 EnsembleMCWF.hDefines class of the same name
 Evolution_.hHighest level driver functions for quantum trajectories
 Master.hDefines class of the same name
 MCWF_Trajectory.hDefines class of the same name
 MCWF_TrajectoryLogger.hDefines class of the same name
 ParsMCWF_Trajectory.hDefines class of the same name
 ProjectingMCWF_Trajectory.hDefines class of the same name
 QuantumTrajectory.hDefines class of the same name
 TimeAveragingMCWF_Trajectory.hDefines class of the same name
 Averaged.hDefines class of the same name
 DynamicsBase.hDefines class of the same name
 ElementAveraged.hDefines structure::ElementAveraged & structure::ClonableElementAveraged
 ElementLiouvillean.hDefines the structure::ElementLiouvillean & structure::ElementLiouvilleanStrategies
 ElementLiouvilleanAveragedCommon.hDefines class of the same name
 Exact.hDefines class of the same name
 Free.hDefines class of the same name
 FreeExact.hDefines class of the same name
 Hamiltonian.hDefines class of the same name
 Interaction.hDefines class of the same name
 Liouvillean.hDefines class of the same name
 LiouvilleanAveragedCommon.hDefines class of the same name
 QuantumSystem.hDefines class of the same name
 Structure.hDefines structur::QuantumSystemWrapper
 TimeDependence.hDefines tools related to the description of different time-dependence levels
  utilsGeneral purpose utilities, which can be considered a small but rather diverse library in themselves
 Algorithm.hGeneric algorithms not found in either STL or Boost
 Archive.hDefines i/oarchive types depending on the DO_NOT_USE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION macro
 ArrayTraits.hDeclarations of traits functions for adapting array types to generic functions
 BlitzArray.hDefines template aliases for real and complex arrays
 BlitzArrayExtensions.hDeclares extensions for creating vector & matrix views of blitz::Arrays
 BlitzArraySliceIterator.hDefinition of blitzplusplus::basi::Iterator together with its helpers
 BlitzArrayTraits.hImplementations of the traits functions declared in ArrayTraits.h for blitz::Array
 BlitzTiny.hDefines template aliases for blitz::TinyVectors used for characterising the size of multi-arrays and indexing them
 BlitzTinyExtensions.hHelpers for blitz::TinyVectors
 BooleanNegatedProxy.hDefines class of the same name
 CMatrix.hDefines the typedef linalg::CMatrix and some helpers
 ComplexArrayExtensions.hHelpers for complex blitz::Arrays, e.g. Hermitian conjugation of multi-matrices
 ComplexExtensions.hAdditional helpers for dcomp
 Conversions.hSome converters along the lines of Boost.NumericConversion
 CVector.hDefines the typedef linalg::CVector
 Evolved.hDefines class of the same name
 EvolvedGSL.hDefines evolved::MakerGSL, which incorporates the actual GSL-based implementation of evolved::Evolved
 Exception.hDefines tentative base classes for the exception classes of the framework
 FFT.hFast Fourier transformation
 FormDouble.hDefines class of the same name
 KeyPrinter.hDefines class of the same name
 MathExtensions.hDefines wrapper functions for mathematical functions taken from libraries, and several other mathematical functions
 MultiIndexIterator.hDefines class MultiIndexIterator and a few helpers
 Operators.hExtensions built on top of Boost.Operator
 Pars.hThe parameter-bundle
 ParsStochasticTrajectory.hDefines class of the same name
 ParsTrajectory.hDefines parameter aggergates to Trajectory.h
 Randomized.hRandomized & related
 Simulated.hConvenience header for straightforward usage of the trajectory::Simulated class for classical simulations
 Simulated_.hDefines class of the same name
 SmartPtr.hTools for creating non-owning shared pointers
 StochasticTrajectory.hDefines classes related to stochastic evolution
 TMP_Tools.hTemplate metaprogramming tools, extending (and based on) Boost.MPL
 Trajectory.hDefines the basic classes of the trajectory-bundle
 VectorFromMatrixSliceIterator.hTools for adapting blitzplusplus::basi::Iterators to iteration over rows or columns of (multi)matrices