C++QED is a highly flexible framework for simulating open quantum dynamics. It allows users to build arbitrarily complex interacting quantum systems from elementary free subsystems and interactions, and simulate their time evolution with a number of available time-evolution drivers.
The framework is very sensitive to performance, which can be increased by physics and computational ways. Among the physics ways to increase performance, the most notable is the maximal use of interaction picture, which may help to get rid of very separate timescales in the problem. Among the computational ones we can mention
The SourceForge.net project summary page.
branch of the git version, but delays compared to the actual state are possible.Click here for the documentation of the master branch & released packages
Click here for the Milestone 9 documentation
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/cppqed/cppqed <directory name>
Click here for the Milestone 9 downloads
We offer full support for the framework both in terms of writing and testing new elements and scripts on demand from the quantum optics community, and of advising with the use of the existing software in the framework or with the development of new software (elements, scripts, time-evolution drivers). In the first case we may require to become co-author in the publications stemming from the work.
C++QED has been originally conceived and created by András Vukics, who developed v1 between 2006–2008, and has developed and maintained v2 since 2008.
Raimar Sandner joined the project in early 2012, and has since made substantial contributions. The CpypyQED Python frontend to C++QED is his work. He contributed the elaborate build system and testsuite of the framework. In addition, he made many important contributions in the design and implementation of the C++ codebase, such as the trajectory-state input/output feature. He is the maintainer of the Debian and AUR packages.
First of all, we acknowledge the developers of Boost for making C++ an even more powerful language than it originally was. Without the Boost libraries, the framework could not have taken form.
We would like to thank the developers of GSL, LAPACK, Blitz++, and FLENS for their effort, without which scientific computing in C++ in general, and the present framework in particular would not look as nice as it looks today.