C++QEDCore  v2 Milestone 10
a framework for simulating open quantum dynamics – core
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utils Directory Reference

General purpose utilities, which can be considered a small but rather diverse library in themselves.


+ Directory dependency graph for utils:


file  Algorithm.h [code]
 Generic algorithms not found in either STL or Boost.
file  Archive.h [code]
 Defines i/oarchive types depending on the DO_NOT_USE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION macro.
file  ArrayTraits.h [code]
 Declarations of traits functions for adapting array types to generic functions.
file  BlitzArray.h [code]
 Defines template aliases for real and complex arrays.
file  BlitzArrayExtensions.h [code]
 Declares extensions for creating vector & matrix views of blitz::Arrays.
file  BlitzArraySliceIterator.h [code]
 Definition of blitzplusplus::basi::Iterator together with its helpers.
file  BlitzArrayTraits.h [code]
 Implementations of the traits functions declared in ArrayTraits.h for blitz::Array
file  BlitzTiny.h [code]
 Defines template aliases for blitz::TinyVectors used for characterising the size of multi-arrays and indexing them.
file  BlitzTinyExtensions.h [code]
 Helpers for blitz::TinyVectors.
file  BooleanNegatedProxy.h [code]
 Defines class of the same name.
file  CMatrix.h [code]
 defines the typedef linalg::CMatrix and some helpers
file  ComplexArrayExtensions.h [code]
 Helpers for complex blitz::Arrays, e.g. Hermitian conjugation of multi-matrices.
file  ComplexExtensions.h [code]
 Additional helpers for dcomp.
file  Conversions.h [code]
 Some converters along the lines of Boost.NumericConversion
file  CVector.h [code]
 Defines the typedef linalg::CVector.
file  Evolved.h [code]
 Defines class of the same name.
file  EvolvedGSL.h [code]
 Defines evolved::MakerGSL, which incorporates the actual GSL-based implementation of evolved::Evolved.
file  Exception.h [code]
 Defines tentative base classes for the exception classes of the framework.
file  FFT.h [code]
 Fast Fourier transformation.
file  FormDouble.h [code]
 Defines class of the same name.
file  KeyPrinter.h [code]
 Defines class of the same name.
file  MathExtensions.h [code]
 Defines wrapper functions for mathematical functions taken from libraries, and several other mathematical functions.
file  MultiIndexIterator.h [code]
 Defines class MultiIndexIterator and a few helpers.
file  Operators.h [code]
 Extensions built on top of Boost.Operator.
file  Pars.h [code]
 The parameter-bundle.
file  ParsStochasticTrajectory.h [code]
 Defines class of the same name.
file  ParsTrajectory.h [code]
 Defines parameter aggergates to Trajectory.h.
file  Randomized.h [code]
 Randomized & related.
file  Simulated.h [code]
 Convenience header for straightforward usage of the trajectory::Simulated class for classical simulations.
file  Simulated_.h [code]
 Defines class of the same name.
file  SmartPtr.h [code]
 Tools for creating non-owning shared pointers.
file  StochasticTrajectory.h [code]
 Defines classes related to stochastic evolution.
file  TMP_Tools.h [code]
 Template metaprogramming tools, extending (and based on) Boost.MPL.
file  Trajectory.h [code]
 Defines the basic classes of the trajectory-bundle.
file  VectorFromMatrixSliceIterator.h [code]
 Tools for adapting blitzplusplus::basi::Iterators to iteration over rows or columns of (multi)matrices.
file  Version.h [code]

Detailed Description

General purpose utilities, which can be considered a small but rather diverse library in themselves.