►Nbinary | Auxiliary tools for BinarySystem |
CBase | Common base for all class-composed BinarySystems |
CEmptyBase | Helper for class composition of BinarySystem |
CExact | Implements the structure::Exact interface for a BinarySystem along the same lines as Base implements the structure::Averaged interface |
CHamiltonian | Implements the structure::Hamiltonian interface for a BinarySystem |
CLiouvillean | Implements the structure::Liouvillean interface for a BinarySystem |
►Nblitzplusplus | Comprises our own extensions to Blitz++ |
►Nbasi | The name of the namespace stands for BlitzArraySliceIterator |
CConsistencyChecker | Checking the consistency of template arguments for use in slicing |
CConsistencyChecker< RANK, boost::mpl::range_c< int, I1, I2 > > | Specialization necessary since boost::mpl::range_c cannot be sorted |
CIndexer | Performs the slicing on an array already transposed by Transposer |
CIterator | BlitzArraySliceIterator |
CSize | A forwarding metafunction to boost::mpl::size |
CTransposer | Class performing the “possible permutation” of the retained indices (cf. Synopsis) |
CTransposerOrIndexerRankTooHighException | Exception thrown if the partial specialization of Transposer or Indexer for the given RANK does not exist |
►Nbasi_fast | Contains a “fast” version of BlitzArraySliceIterator |
CIterator | “Fast” version of basi::Iterator relying on a pre-calculated set of slices stored by SlicesData |
►Nvfmsi | The name of the namespace stands for VectorFromMatrixSliceIterator |
CLeft | Indicates composition from left |
CLeftRight | Metafunction returning the appropriate set of retained index positions |
CRight | Indicates composition from right |
CBinaryArrayOrderingErrorException | Exception class thrown by binaryArray |
CHalfCutTinyException | Exception class thrown by halfCutTiny |
CNonContiguousStorageException | Exception class thrown by unaryArray & binaryArray |
CSlicesData | Contains data for pre-calculated slices for basi_fast::Iterator |
CTinyVectorLengthTraits | An indirection for accessing lengths of blitz::TinyVector at compile time |
►Ncomposite | Auxiliary tools to Composite |
►Nresult_of | |
CMake | |
CMakeConcrete | |
C_ | Helper class to Composite |
►CBase | |
CAverage | |
CDisplayKey | |
CNAvr | |
CEmptyBase | |
CExact | |
CHamiltonian | |
CLiouvillean | |
CMaxRank | |
CRankedBase | |
CSubSystemFree | |
CSubSystemsInteraction | |
►Ncpputils | Namespace comprising otherwise hard-to-classify generic utilities |
CBooleanNegatedProxy | Bound to a boolean lvalue, it behaves like a boolean always with opposite value |
CConverter | |
CElementType | Template metafunction returning (by convention, as a member typedef type ) the type of elements of the multi-array A |
CException | The class that is (meant to be, at least) the base of all exceptions in the framework |
CKeyPrinter | Stores and prints a “key” (a.k.a. legend) to data, that is, an explanation to each element of a certain range of data |
CMultiIndexIterator | An iterator over all possible combinations of indices (a number of integers) between certain bounds |
CRank | Template metafunction for the rank (arity) of the multi-array A |
CTaggedException | Class reporting also the “what-ness” of the exception |
CTypeID | Template metafunction providing an identifier string for the multi-array A |
►Nevolution | Auxiliary tools for the evolve functions |
CPars | Aggregate of parameters pertaining to the highest level driver functions for quantum trajectories |
►Nevolved | Comprises utilities related to ODE adaptive evolution |
CEvolved | A common interface for (adaptive stepsize) ODE drivers |
CEvolvedIO | Class for serialization of Evolved states |
CMaker | Factory class for Evolved types |
CMakerGSL | Implements Maker and incorporates MakerGSL::_, the actual GSL-based implementation of the Evolved interface |
CNonContiguousStorageException | Thrown if the array supplied to MakerGSL has non contiguous storage |
CTimeStepBookkeeper | Bookkeeps the timestep-data of Evolved |
►Nfft | Fast Fourier transformation |
CFFT_Exception | |
►Nformdouble | Comprises tools related to FormDouble |
CBound | Essentially a compound of a FormDouble and a value of some double-based type (e.g. double, dcomp, std::vector<double> , etc.) |
CZero | A dummy FormDouble used mainly for setting/getting the overallPrecision |
►Nlinalg | Contains utilities for linear algebra |
CVectorSpace | Operator aggregate for a complex vector space built on top of Boost.Operator |
►Nmathutils | Comprises wrapper functions for mathematical functions taken from libraries (Boost.Math, GSL), and several other mathematical functions |
CFactOverflow | |
►Nparameters | The parameter-bundle |
CAttemptedRecreationOfParameterException | Thrown if a given Parameter name is attempted to be used more than once when pushing to ParameterTable |
CException | |
CNamedException | |
CParameter | Template containing value for the given parameter |
CParameter< formdouble::Zero > | Specialization which enables the setting of formdouble::FormDouble::overallPrecision in a read operation |
CParameterBase | Common, template-parameter independent base class of Parameter, to be stored in a pointer-container in ParameterTable |
CParameterTable | The parameter table according to which the command line will be parsed by update() |
CUnrecognisedParameterException | Thrown if a certain Parameter name is not found in ParameterTable when subscripting |
►Nquantumdata | Comprises classes representing the state of composite quantum systems and providing various interfaces to manipulate this data |
►Nldo | Comprises tools related to LazyDensityOperator, like DiagonalIterator |
CDiagonalIterator | Iterator for slices of a LazyDensityOperator that are diagonal in the dummy indices |
►Ntransformation | Comprises tools for metric transformations of NonOrthogonalStateVector and NonOrthogonalDensityOperator classes |
CElementaryTraits | |
CIdentity | |
CTraits< CArray< TWO_TIMES_RANK > > | |
CTraits< Identity< RANK > > | |
CTraits< void(*)(const CArray< RANK > &, CArray< RANK > &) > | |
CArrayBase | Comprises the common functionalities of StateVector and DensityOperator |
CDensityOperator | Density operator of arbitrary arity |
CLazyDensityOperator | Common interface for calculating quantum averages |
CLazyDensityOperatorFFT_NotImplementedException | |
CNonOrthogonalStateVector | |
CParsFunctionScan | Parameter set for scanFunction |
CStateVector | State vector of arbitrary arity |
CTensorType | |
CTypes | Basically only a metafunction defining types for higher-level constructs of arity RANK |
CWignerFunctionKernelOld | |
►Nquantumoperator | Comprises modules representing operators of special structure (tridiagonal, sparse) over Hilbert spaces of arbitrary arity |
CSigma | Stateless class implementing the unary quantumoperator |
CTridiagonal | Class representing a (unary) tridiagonal matrix or direct product of such matrices |
CTridiagonalHamiltonian | Implements the action of a Hamiltonian whose matrix consists of a sum of tridiagonal matrices |
►Nquantumtrajectory | Comprises modules representing trajectory drivers for simulating quantum systems |
►Ndisplay_densityoperator | Contains display_densityoperator::_ |
C_ | Wraps common functionality of Master & EnsembleMCWF concerning display of quantum averages on the basis of density operators |
►Nensemble | Auxiliary tools to EnsembleMCWF |
CBase | Less templatized base for EnsembleMCWF |
►Nmaster | Auxiliary tools to Master |
CBase | The actual working base of Master in the case when blitzplusplus::basi::Iterator is used for implementing multi-matrix multiplications |
CBaseFast | The actual working base of Master in the case when blitzplusplus::basi_fast::Iterator is used for implementing multi-matrix multiplications |
CSystemNotApplicable | Thrown if the system is not applicable in Master-equation evolution |
►Nmcwf | Auxiliary tools to MCWF_Trajectory |
CLogger | Essentially an aggregate of data fields for logging during a MCWF_Trajectory run |
CPars | Aggregate of parameters pertaining to MCWF simulations |
CEnsembleMCWF | Derived from trajectory::Ensemble < quantumdata::DensityOperator <RANK>& , const quantumdata::StateVector <RANK>& > , it implements an ensemble of MCWF trajectories started from a pure-state initial condition |
CMaster | An Adaptive trajectory class representing Master equation evolution from a density-operator initial condition |
CMCWF_Trajectory | Implements a single Monte Carlo wave-function trajectory |
CProjectingMCWF_Trajectory | Derived from MCWF_Trajectory, this class uses a set of reference state-vectors to project the evolved state vector on |
CQuantumTrajectory | Class hosting common code of MCWF_Trajectory and Master |
CTimeAveragingMCWF_Trajectory | Derived from MCWF_Trajectory, this class in addition performs time averaging of the columns during trajectory display |
►Nrandomized | Randomized-bundle |
CMaker | Factory class for Randomized types |
CMakerGSL | Implements Maker by returning a class implementing the Randomized interface by GSL |
CRandomized | A common interface for random-number generators |
CRNGStateParsingException | |
►Nstructure | Comprises modules for describing quantum systems |
►Nlindblad | Tools for describing a single Lindblad operator |
C_ | Class defining the virtual functions corresponding to a single Lindblad… |
►CBase | A class to encapsulate Base::LindbladNo, so that the latter has information about the number of Lindblads |
CLindbladNo | A tagging class for Lindblad |
►Ntime | Comprises tools related to the description of different time-dependence levels |
CDispatcher | Metafunction dispatching the three classes TwoTime, OneTime, & NoTime according to the template parameter TD |
CDispatcherIsTimeDependent | Metafunction dispatching two OneTime & NoTime according to the template parameter IS_TIME_DEPENDENT |
CDispatcherIsTwoTime | Metafunction dispatching two TwoTime & OneTime according to the template parameter IS_TWO_TIME |
CAveraged | The interface every system that calculates and displays quantum averages must present towards the trajectory drivers |
CAveragedCommon | The template-parameter independent base of Averaged |
CAveragedTimeDependenceDispatched | Implements the general Liouvillean interface by dispatching the two possible time-dependence levels |
CAveragesNumberMismatchException | Exception for LiouvilleanAveragedCommonRanked::average |
CClonableElementAveraged | Besides being an ElementAveraged, it models the Clonable concept |
CDynamicsBase | Provides services for dealing with frequency-like parameters, both real and complex, for all elements, frees and interactions alike, which are hence all derived from this class |
CElementAveraged | An implementation of Averaged for the case when the number of quantum arevages is known @ compile time (which is very often the case with elements)… |
CElementLiouvillean | An implementation of Liouvillean for the case when the number of Lindblads is known @ compile time (which is very often the case with elements)… |
CElementLiouvillean< RANK, 1, IS_TIME_DEPENDENT > | A specialization of ElementLiouvillean for the case of a single Lindblad |
CElementLiouvilleanAveragedCommon | Implements LiouvilleanAveragedCommon::displayKey and LiouvilleanAveragedCommon::nAvr with the help of a cpputils::KeyPrinter |
CElementLiouvilleanException | Thrown if the Lindblad index is not smaller than the total number of Lindblads |
CElementLiouvilleanStrategies | Besides ElementLiouvillean, this is another solution based on the strategy idiom to control the number of Lindblads @ compile time |
CExact | The interface every system that needs transformation between two quantum mechanical pictures must present towards the trajectory drivers |
CExactCommon | The template-parameter-independent base of Exact |
CExactTimeDependenceDispatched | Implements the general Exact interface by dispatching the two possible time-dependence levels |
CFree | In the language of the framework, a free system is a unary system (arity 1, RANK=1 ) |
CFreeExact | A unary implementation of Exact assuming that the operator that transforms between the pictures is diagonal |
CHamiltonian | The interface every system having (possibly non-Hermitian) Hamiltonian time-evolution must present towards the trajectory drivers |
CHamiltonianTimeDependenceDispatched | Implements the general Hamiltonian interface by dispatching the different time-dependence levels |
CInfiniteDetectedException | Exception for LiouvilleanAveragedCommonRanked::average |
►CInteraction | Describes interaction of Free elements |
CFreesProxy | Shared-pointerizes the elements passed as Frees |
CLiouvillean | The interface every system having Liouvillean time-evolution must present towards the trajectory drivers |
CLiouvilleanAveragedCommon | The template-parameter independent part of LiouvilleanAveragedCommonRanked |
CLiouvilleanAveragedCommonRanked | Common functionality of Liouvillean & Averaged |
CLiouvilleanAveragedTag_ | A tagging struct corresponding to LiouvilleanAveragedTag |
CLiouvilleanTimeDependenceDispatched | Implements the general Liouvillean interface by dispatching the two possible time-dependence levels |
CNoTime | Describes no-time dependence corresponding to the case NO_TIME |
COneTime | Describes one-time dependence corresponding to the case ONE_TIME |
CQuantumSystem | The abstract interface every system has to present towards the quantum trajectory drivers quantumtrajectory::MCWF_Trajectory, quantumtrajectory::EnsembleMCWF, and quantumtrajectory::Master |
CQuantumSystemWrapper | A wrapper for Exact, Hamiltonian, Liouvillean, and Averaged |
CTwoTime | Describes two-time dependence corresponding to the case TWO_TIME |
►Ntmptools | Template metaprogramming tools |
CAssertEvenAndDivideBy2 | Provokes a compile-time error if N is not even, otherwise acts as a Boost.MPL int_ integral constant wrapper of N/2 |
CConditionalAddConst | Applies add_const if ADD_CONST = true |
Cnumerical_contains | Determines whether a compile-time sequence “numerically contains” a given value |
Cnumerical_contains_c | The _c version of numerical_contains, which expects a value instead of an integral constant wrapper |
Cnumerical_equal | Determines the numerical equality of two compile-time sequences |
COrdinals | Sequence of ordinals 0 ... N-1 based on Range |
Cpair_c | A compile-time pair of integers |
Cpair_c< N1, N2, false > | A non-exclusive pair_c that allows the members to be equal |
Cpair_c< N1, N2, true > | An exclusive pair_c that provokes a compile-time error if the members are equal |
CPower | Calculates the power @ compile time |
CRange | An integer range_c starting with Nbeg and having N elements (Nbeg ... Nbeg+N-1 ) |
CRemoveConstReference | Combines remove_const and remove_reference |
CVector | A non-negative compile-time vector |
►Ntrajectory | The trajectory-bundle |
►Nensemble | Contains important helpers to Ensemble |
CBase | A base-class to Ensemble with customized behaviour according to the type of T |
CTraits | Traits class governing how to average up several T_ELEM types into a T type in the most efficient way (which is usually not with the naive addition operator) |
CAdaptive | Adaptive is basically an evolved::Evolved wrapped into the Trajectory interface |
CAdaptiveIO | Corresponds to evolved::EvolvedIO, adding the capability of state serialization involving a SerializationMetadata instant |
CAverageable | The very general concept of an averageable trajectory |
CDimensionsMismatchException | Raised when the dimensions of a trajectory state we try to read in from file does not match |
CEnsemble | An ensemble of Averageable trajectories providing services for ensemble averaging and evolving the element trajectories serially |
CPars | An example of a simple unification of Pars… classes, here ParsRun & ParsEvolved |
CParsEvolved | Aggregate condensing parameters concerning adaptive ODE evolution (cf. Adaptive::Adaptive()) in the style of a parameters::ParameterTable |
CParsRun | Parameters corresponding to the different versions of run() |
CParsStochastic | Aggregate of parameters pertaining to stochastic simulations |
CRankMismatchException | Raised when the rank of a trajectory we try to read in from file does not match |
CSerializationMetadata | Aggregate of information about a trajectory-state archive |
CSimulated | Class fully implementing the Adaptive interface by displaying (and serializing) the whole content of the evolved array |
CStateFileOpeningException | |
CStochastic | Represents a trajectory that has both adaptive ODE evolution and noise |
CStoppingCriterionReachedException | |
CTrajectory | The base class of the trajectory-bundle condensing the quintessential characteristics of any trajectory |
CTrajectoryFileOpeningException | |
CTrajectoryMismatchException | Raised when the trajectory type we try to read in from file does not match |
CBinarySystem | Implements the simplest composite system: a binary where a single binary::Interaction couples two free systems |
CComposite | Class representing a full-fledged composite quantum system defined by a network of interactions |
CDimensionalityMismatchException | Thrown in the case of dimensionality mismatch of constructs over the same Hilbert space |
CDimensionsBookkeeper | Stores and manipulates dimensions of constructs over composite Hilbert spaces of arbitrary arity |
CFormDouble | Class representing formatting options for output (stearming) of doubles |
CTridiagonalConsistencyErrorException | |
CTridiagonalStructureMismatchException | |
CTridiagonalTimeMismatchException | |