C++QED  2.100.2 (v2 Milestone 10 Development branch)
a framework for simulating open quantum dynamics
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Installation guide

Quick start: Installation from packages (Ubuntu, Arch Linux)

Binary packages have been prepared for Arch Linux and Ubuntu, which might also work on Debian (not tested). Installation from binary packages is recommended for users who want to try C++QED or use it exclusively on its highest level, i.e. writing scripts which use elements and interactions already implemented in C++QED. If you are not using Ubuntu or want to develop your own elements and interactions you have to install C++QED from source.


All packages are compiled for Ubuntu Precise (12.04 LTS) and Saucy (13.10). You can choose between the latest release and daily builds. For the release:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:raimar-sandner/cppqed-development
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libcppqedelements-2.10-dev cppqedscripts-2.10 python-cpypyqed-2.10

For the daily builds:

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:raimar-sandner/cppqed-daily
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install libcppqedelements-daily-dev cppqedscripts python-cpypyqed

The current documentation can be installed (Ubuntu Saucy only) with

$ sudo apt-get install cppqed-doc-2.10
# or
$ sudo apt-get install cppqed-doc-daily

Here is an overview of the available packages and what they install (the exact version numbers may change over time).

Package Description
cppqedscripts-2.10 Installs the compiled example scripts to /usr/bin and their sourcecode for inspection to /usr/share/doc/cppqedscripts-2.10/examples/.
cppqedscripts-debug-2.10 Installs the example scripts compiled in debug mode to /usr/bin. This is a separate package because they need a lot of disc space.
libcppqedcore-2.10-2 Installs the core library to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
libcppqedcore-2.10-dev Installs the core header files to /usr/include/CPPQED-2.10 and cmake auxilliary files to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cmake. It also Installs example projects for custom elements and scripts to /usr/share/doc/libcppqedcore-2.10-dev/examples which can be copied and used as starting point for own projects
libcppqedelements-2.10-2 Installs the elements library to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu.
libcppqedelements-2.10-dev Installs the elements header files to /usr/include/CPPQED-2.10.
python-cpypyqed-2.10 Installs the Python wrapper for C++QED to /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cpypyqed. Example scripts which demonstrate how to use the wrapper are installed in /usr/share/doc/python-cpypyqed-2.10/examples.
cppqed-doc-2.10 (Only Ubuntu >= 13.10) Installs the documentation, also online here.

You can uninstall our packages by calling

$ sudo apt-get purge libcppqedelements-2.10-dev cppqedscripts-2.10 python-cpypyqed-2.10
$ sudo apt-get autoremove
$ sudo apt-add-repository --remove ppa:raimar-sandner/cppqed-development
$ sudo apt-get update


The C++QED package is in the Arch User Repository (AUR), you can install it for example with the yaourt package manager (pacman alternative which can install from AUR):

$ yaourt -S cppqed-git

This will install all dependencies and compile C++QED.

Installation from source


C++QEDv2 depends on a number of open-source libraries:

C++11 compatible compiler

C++QED uses some C++11 features, therefore only modern C++ compilers are supported. These compilers are known to work:

  • GCC, g++ >= 4.7
  • LLVM/CLang, clang++ >= 3.1
  • Intel compiler 14.0
  • Apple LLVM version 5.0 (comes with the developer tools for Mac Os X Mavericks)


CMake is the build system of C++QED, version 2.8.9 or newer is needed.

Boost C++ libraries

The boost libraries provide indispensable extensions to the C++ standard, and are de facto standard by their own right. The framework depends on a number of them, the most notable ones being Fusion, Lambda, MPL, Operators, and Preprocessor. On many systems, (a selection of) the Boost libraries are available. They are packaged for Debian and Mac OS X. Alternatively, they can be downloaded and installed from the main Boost portal. Although version 1.46 is in principle sufficient for the framework, it is advisable to use as new a version as possible, since experience has shown that there can be clashes between old versions of Boost and new versions of compilers, especially when template metaprogramming is concerned.

GNU Scientific library (GSL)

GSL provides a very wide variety of numerical solutions in a solid object-oriented design (in C!). They are not used directly, but are wrapped into C++ classes and functions, so that they are easily replaced (e.g. if licensing problems arise). Packaged for Debian and Mac OS X, or can be downloaded from the GSL homepage. I haven't thoroughly determined the minimal version, but 1.8 is known to work.

The following two libraries are stable, but under more or less steady development.


Installation of Blitz++ can be omitted if the build system is later configure with -DBUNDLED_BLITZ=On. This will download and compile Blitz++ automatically when the framework is built.

Blitz++ provides the fundamental data structure. It hence performs a lot of numerics and lies at the absolute heart of the framework. Blitz++ lives up to its name, as it provides near-Fortran performance in spite of the very high-level abstractions used in the library. This is achieved by template metaprogramming, which was discovered in prototype during the development of this very library. More on the Blitz++ homepage.

C++QEDv2 needs some additional patches, therefore we host our own version which is backward compatible.

Optional: Flexible Library for Efficient Numerical Solutions (FLENS)

If FLENS should be used, the build system can be configured with -DBUNDLED_FLENS=On. This will download FLENS automatically when the framework is built.

FLENS is a very impressive effort to wrap BLAS-LAPACK functions in a high-level C++ interface. The use of FLENS is optional because only a very small tract of the framework depends on it.

Optional: Python

The testsuite and the CpypyQED Python wrapper depends on Python >= 2.6 including NumPy and SciPy modules. If your system Python version is too old, we recommend the Enthought Python Distribution.

Installation of requirements

On modern systems, the compiler, CMake, Boost and GSL should be installed on system level through the package manager. For example, on Ubuntu 13.10 it is sufficient to call:

% sudo apt-get install cmake libboost-all-dev autoconf automake libtool libgsl0-dev \
  bzr git python-scipy

For Blitz++ and FLENS it is recommended to use the bundled versions (configure the framework with -DBUNDLED_BLITZ=On and -DBUNDLED_FLENS=On).

The rest of this section is only needed if any of the components is too old on your system, otherwise you can skip to the next section. By following these instructions, C++QED could successfully be installed on a quiet ancient CentOS 5.10.

Each requirement can be installed manually. The following sections give a hint how to do so. We will assume the manually installed components should be built inside $BUILDDIR (for example $HOME/build) and installed to the sub directory $PREFIX (for example $HOME/local). In order to find the components later in the actual build, add the following to the file ~/.bash_profile and log in again:

export BUILDDIR=$HOME/build
export PREFIX=$HOME/local
export PATH=$PREFIX/bin:$PATH
export NPROC=4

The environment variable $NPROC refers to the number of cores on your system (adjust appropriately), we will use that to speed up compilation.

Because some packages install libraries to $PREFIX/lib, some to $PREFIX/lib64, we make some preparations in $PREFIX:

mkdir -p $PREFIX/lib64
ln -s lib lib64


If your compiler is too old, the following commands will install gcc-4.8.2 to $PREFIX:

wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-4.8.2/gcc-4.8.2.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf gcc-4.8.2.tar.bz2
cd gcc-4.8.2
cd ..
mkdir gcc-4.8.2-build
cd gcc-4.8.2-build
$PWD/../gcc-4.8.2/configure --prefix=$PREFIX --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-multilib
make -j$NPROC
make install

The compilation might take a long time. To use the new compiler, add the following to your ~/.bash_profile:

export CXX=$PREFIX/bin/g++
export CC=$PREFIX/bin/gcc


If your CMake version is too old, the following commands will install cmake- to $PREFIX:

wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.8/cmake-
tar -xvf cmake-
cd cmake-
./bootstrap --prefix=$PREFIX
make -j$NPROC
make install

Python (optional, but needed for test suite)

If your Python version is too old, the following commands will install the Enthought Python Distribution "Canopy" to $PREFIX:

wget https://store.enthought.com/downloads/canopy/rh5/64/free/ -O canopy.sh
chmod a+x canopy.sh

After agreeing to the license, you can choose the installation directory (I will refer to this choice as <CANOPY>, replace it by the real directory in later commands). We will need the Python root installation directory later, you can display it by calling

ls <CANOPY>/appdata/canopy*

It will display something like <CANOPY>/appdata/canopy- maybe with a different version number (I will refer to this directory by <CANOPY_ROOT>, replace it by the real directory in later commands).

Call canopy for the first time, choose an environment directory and agree to set this python version as the default. Log out and log in again so that the changes can take effect.


If your Boost version is too old or if you installed Canopy Python above, you need to compile Boost. The following commands will install boost-1.55.0 to $PREFIX:

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.55.0/boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2/download -O boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2
tar -xvf boost_1_55_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_55_0

If you have installed Canopy Python earlier, call

./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$PREFIX --with-libraries=serialization,python,test --with-python-root=<CANOPY_ROOT>

and remember to replace <CANOPY_ROOT> by the real directory from above. Otherwise, if you are using the system version of Python, call

./bootstrap.sh --prefix=$PREFIX --with-libraries=serialization,python,test

In both cases, continue with

./b2 -j$NPROC
./b2 install


If your GSL version is too old, compile GSL manually. The following commands will install gsl-1.16 to $PREFIX:

wget ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gsl/gsl-1.16.tar.gz
tar -xvf gsl-1.16.tar.gz
cd gsl-1.16
./configure --prefix=$PREFIX
make -j$NPROC
make install

Building C++QED with CMake

This page describes the C++QED build system. CMake is a cross-platform build system which checks the system for the location of required and optional dependencies and enables/disables features based on what is found. It is similar to the usual GNU autotools (aka ./configure; make; make install) and furthermore offers easy integration into popular IDE‘s, e.g. Eclipse, kdevelop or Xcode.

Short building guide

This section is for the impatient, it describes the minimal steps to build the framework. If CMake cannot find installed requirements or if you wish to fine-tune the build system, please also read the following sections.

Under the top level C++QED directory, create a build directory (e.g. build)

mkdir build; cd build

Next, configure the build system by invoking CMake


where <type> is either Debug or Release. The default is Release if this flag is missing. In debugging mode, a lot of runtime checks are compiled into the framework, which come from Blitz++, FLENS, and C++QED. Every time a new script is added it should be compiled and tested in this way because this can detect a lot of errors. When we are absolutely sure that everything is all right, for data collection we may compile in release mode, where all the checks are omitted and optimisations are used, making the programs about an order of magnitude faster. To switch the build type create a new build directory or call cmake again with different <type> parameter.

Maximum efficiency is achieved only if the build system is configured with
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

To build and install the framework, type

make -jN

where N is the number of parallel build processes. In order to install everything on the system (which is not strictly necessary, you can run scripts out of the build directory), call

sudo make install

Every script in the scripts directory has its own target, so to compile only a single script, it is possible to call

make <script-name-without-extension>

Fine tuning the build process

If CMake fails to locate a dependency, it will inform the user about the disabled feature or fail if the library was required. If some libraries are installed in non-standard locations, the user has to specify the directory with -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/some/path;/some/other/path". This will look for libraries in /some/path/lib, /some/other/path/lib and for include files in /some/path/include, /some/other/path/include. It is also possible to specify additional library paths and include paths separately with -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH= and -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=.

CMake caches all detected library locations. If you want to be sure that the library checks are performed, you have to delete the file CMakeCache.txt before calling cmake again.

By default, calling make install will install everything to the system directory /usr/local. You can change this prefix by adding the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install path>.

Variables which influence the build process

There are a couple of CMake options defined by C++QED itself, by which the build process can be fine tuned:

  • -DCOMPILE_SCRIPTS=Off: don't compile the example scripts
  • -DCOMPILE_CPYPYQED=Off: don't compile Python modules
  • -DPYIO=Off: don't compile the python module which allows reading and writing state files with Python.
  • -DSERIALIZATION=Off: don't compile state vector serialization, even if boost serialization is found. Note that without this feature, state files cannot be written to or read from disk.
  • -DFLENS=Off: disable FLENS support, even if the library is detected.
  • -DREGISTRY=Off: don't write information about the build trees to the
  • -DBUNDLED_FLENS=On/Off: download FLENS automatically
  • -DBUNDLED_BLITZ=On/Off: download and build Blitz++ automatically cmake package registry.

See also the (possibly more complete) list of CMake options in the CMake namespace ("Project options"), which is generated from the project build system documentation.

How Cmake finds the C++QED components

The C++QED framework is organized in several sub-projects (core,elements,scripts,cpypyqed). For every component, Cmake has to figure out where the needed libraries are located. For example, the elements component needs the libraries from core, the scripts and cpypyqed need the libraries from elements and core.

In the monolithic project layout (clone from the C++QED repository), all the component libraries are found automatically in the common build directory, without user intervention. This section describes the case when the different components are built in standalone projects.

Libraries are installed

If make install was called for C++QEDcore and the installation prefix is a standard system path (e.g. /usr, /usr/local), then other sub-projects will find the core libraries automatically. If the libraries are installed to a non-system prefix (e.g. ~/local), this prefix can be added to the search path in other sub-projects by calling CMake with -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/local. The same is true for C++QEDelements.

Libraries are not installed

It is possible to use C++QED libraries directly from the build directory where they were compiled. Libraries from build directories are even found automatically most of the time, because these build directories are registered in the Cmake registry. You can override those locations by giving hints to CMake where to find the build directories:

  • -DCPPQED_DIR=<path>: override path to the build directory of the core component
  • -DCPPQEDelements_DIR=<path>: override path to the build directory of the elements component
  • -DCPPQEDcustomelements_DIR=<path>: override path to a custom elements project named customelements

This is useful if you are using several build directories for different build configurations (Release/Debug). In such a case, or if the libraries are intended to be installed with make install, you might consider to call CMake with -DREGISTRY=Off in order to not write information about build directories to the registry, which might interfere with the installed libraries.

To clear the CMake registry, just delete ~/.cmake/packages or individual directories there. Before running CMake again, also remove the CMakeCache.txt in the build directory to erase the cached locations.

Building the documentation

The main target for building the documentation is doc. To build or rebuild only parts of the documentation, the targets <component>_doc exist, where <componenet> is one of

  • cppqed: Overall C++QED documentation, build system, test suite.
  • core: C++QED core API
  • elements: C++QED elements API
  • cpypyqed: Python wrapper documentation (in Sphinx)

The targets mentioned above are only available if doxygen and dot is installed on the system. The cpypyqed documentation additionally depends on Sphinx and the doxylink extension.

Integrated Development Environments (IDE)

Using an IDE can make the development of scripts and the framework much more convenient. CMake has generators for project files of several popular IDE's, check the CMake man page to see which are supported on your system. For example, to generate an Eclipse CDT project, call ::

cmake -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" [other options]

in the C++QED root directory. This will generate the necessary Eclipse project files, afterwards you can import the project into Eclipse by choosing "File->Import->Existing Project into workspace". See the CMake wiki for details.

For kdevelop4 you can just open the top level CMakeLists.txt file as a project.

Under Mac OS X the -G Xcode generator will create a project which can be opened by Xcode.

Mac OS X

Compilation of C++QED under Mac OS X 10.9 is straightforward once you have installed XCode and the prerequisite libraries. If you do not intend to use XCode for development, it is sufficient to install only the development command line tools.

XCode can be obtained from the Apple Developer site (you need to register an Apple ID).

Prerequisite Libraries

The easiest way to satisfy the dependencies is to use Homebrew, a package manager for Mac Os X. Unfortunately Boost cannot be compiled with Homebrew and Apple's Clang compiler in Mac Os X 10.8. It might still be possible to install a different compiler and succeed, but this is not tested.

  1. Install Homebrew and don't forget to run brew update afterwards.
  2. Install prerequisites:
    brew install libtool autoconf automake gsl cmake mercurial
  3. Install Boost (this works in Mac Os X 10.9 but not 10.8):
    brew install boost --c++11
  4. If you want to use the Python parts of C++QED (testsuite and Python wrapper), you also need NumPy and Scipy for Mac Os X:
    brew tap Homebrew/python
    brew install scipy

If you installed Scipy, follow the instructions to add /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages to your PYTHONPATH. After installing the required libraries, continue as usual building the project with CMake.