The Master equation for the evolution of a density operator reads
where, after the second equality, the non-Hermitian “Hamiltonian” is defined as (cf. Description of the MCWF method)
Since both the Hamiltonian and Lindblad operators are expressed in a finite discrete basis, this is simply an ODE evolution.
Since each Hamiltonian and/or lossy physical system in the framework provides services to calculate the effect of (cf. structure::Hamiltonian::addContribution) and the jumps
(cf. structure::Liouvillean::actWithJ) on state vectors, these being indispensable for the Monte Carlo wave-function method, no separate services are needed to calculate Master-equation evolution for these systems.
The steps are as follows:
The drawback of this method is that it necessitates a temporary copy of the full density operator. Alternatively, systems may provide specialized code to calculate directly, hence circumventing steps (a)-(b)-(a).
Consider these notes, whose notation we adopt. It is easy to see that a density-operator evolution of the form
can always be unravelled up to first order in via an MCWF-like two-step stochastic process as:
If we require that the second possibility do not alter the norm, as in the case of the MCWF method (the first may in the case when is non-Hermitian), that is, if the norm may change only in time (jumps considered instantaneous), then we get the further requirement that
This shows that the Master driver will only work correctly if
because structure::Liouvillean::actWithJ calculates the latter, while quantumtrajectory::Master expects the former.
The requirement for the applicability of the quantumtrajectory::Master driver might seem formidable, but the situation is actually not so bad. First of all, the problem does not arise at all for systems that do not inherit from structure::Exact.
Consider a harmonic-oscillator mode in some rotating frame, as in this Section. Here, the transformation operator reads , and the transformed jump operators:
, which makes that in the case of a purely imaginary
, which is the case for a purely rotating (and not shrinking) frame, the requirement is fulfilled.