C++QEDCore  v2 Milestone 10
a framework for simulating open quantum dynamics – core
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cquantumtrajectory::display_densityoperator::_< RANK, V >Wraps common functionality of Master & EnsembleMCWF concerning display of quantum averages on the basis of density operators
 Ctrajectory::AdaptiveIO< A >Corresponds to evolved::EvolvedIO, adding the capability of state serialization involving a SerializationMetadata instant
 Ctrajectory::AdaptiveIO< quantumdata::Types< RANK >::DensityOperatorLow >
 Ctrajectory::AdaptiveIO< quantumdata::Types< RANK >::StateVectorLow >
 Ccomposite::Base< VA >::Average< LiouvilleanAveragedTag >
 Cstructure::AveragedCommonThe template-parameter independent base of Averaged
 Ctrajectory::ensemble::Base< T >A base-class to Ensemble with customized behaviour according to the type of T
 Cstructure::lindblad::Base< NLINDBLADS >A class to encapsulate Base::LindbladNo, so that the latter has information about the number of Lindblads
 Ctrajectory::ensemble::Base< quantumdata::DensityOperator< RANK > & >
 Ccpputils::BooleanNegatedProxyBound to a boolean lvalue, it behaves like a boolean always with opposite value
 Cformdouble::Bound< T >Essentially a compound of a FormDouble and a value of some double-based type (e.g. double, dcomp, std::vector<double>, etc.)
 Cblitzplusplus::basi::ConsistencyChecker< RANK, V >Checking the consistency of template arguments for use in slicing
 Cblitzplusplus::basi::ConsistencyChecker< RANK, boost::mpl::range_c< int, I1, I2 > >Specialization necessary since boost::mpl::range_c cannot be sorted
 CDimensionsBookkeeper< RANK, IS_CONST >Stores and manipulates dimensions of constructs over composite Hilbert spaces of arbitrary arity
 CDimensionsBookkeeper< RANK >
 CDimensionsBookkeeper< RANK, true >
 Ccomposite::Base< VA >::DisplayKey< LiouvilleanAveragedTag >
 Cquantumdata::transformation::ElementaryTraits< TRAFO >
 Cquantumdata::transformation::ElementaryTraits< CArray< TWO_TIMES_RANK > >
 Cquantumdata::transformation::ElementaryTraits< Identity< RANK > >
 Cquantumdata::transformation::ElementaryTraits< void(*)(const CArray< RANK > &, CArray< RANK > &) >
 Ccpputils::ElementType< A >Template metafunction returning (by convention, as a member typedef type) the type of elements of the multi-array A
 Cbinary::EmptyBase< typename >Helper for class composition of BinarySystem
 Ccomposite::EmptyBase< typename >
 Cstructure::ExactCommonThe template-parameter-independent base of Exact
 Ccpputils::ExceptionThe class that is (meant to be, at least) the base of all exceptions in the framework
 CFormDoubleClass representing formatting options for output (stearming) of doubles
 Cstructure::Interaction< RANK >::FreesProxyShared-pointerizes the elements passed as Frees
 Cquantumdata::transformation::Identity< RANK >
 Ccpputils::KeyPrinterStores and prints a “key” (a.k.a. legend) to data, that is, an explanation to each element of a certain range of data
 Cstructure::LiouvilleanAveragedCommonThe template-parameter independent part of LiouvilleanAveragedCommonRanked
 Cstructure::LiouvilleanAveragedTag_< LiouvilleanAveragedTag >A tagging struct corresponding to LiouvilleanAveragedTag
 Cquantumtrajectory::mcwf::LoggerEssentially an aggregate of data fields for logging during a MCWF_Trajectory run
 Crandomized::MakerFactory class for Randomized types
 Cevolved::Maker< A >Factory class for Evolved types
 Ccomposite::Base< VA >::NAvr< LiouvilleanAveragedTag >
 Cstructure::NoTimeDescribes no-time dependence corresponding to the case NO_TIME
 Ctmptools::pair_c< N1, N2, IS_EXCLUSIVE >A compile-time pair of integers
 Ctmptools::pair_c< N1, N2, false >A non-exclusive pair_c that allows the members to be equal
 Cparameters::ParameterBaseCommon, template-parameter independent base class of Parameter, to be stored in a pointer-container in ParameterTable
 Cparameters::ParameterTableThe parameter table according to which the command line will be parsed by update()
 Ctrajectory::ParsEvolvedAggregate condensing parameters concerning adaptive ODE evolution (cf. Adaptive::Adaptive()) in the style of a parameters::ParameterTable
 Cquantumdata::ParsFunctionScanParameter set for scanFunction
 Ctrajectory::ParsRunParameters corresponding to the different versions of run()
 Cstructure::QuantumSystemWrapper< RANK, IS_CONST >A wrapper for Exact, Hamiltonian, Liouvillean, and Averaged
 Cstructure::QuantumSystemWrapper< 1, false >
 Cstructure::QuantumSystemWrapper< RANK, false >
 Ccpputils::Rank< A >Template metafunction for the rank (arity) of the multi-array A
 Ctrajectory::SerializationMetadataAggregate of information about a trajectory-state archive
 Cquantumoperator::Sigma< L, R >Stateless class implementing the unary quantumoperator $\ket{L}\bra{R}$
 Cblitzplusplus::SlicesData< RANK, V >Contains data for pre-calculated slices for basi_fast::Iterator
 Cblitzplusplus::SlicesData< 2 *RANK, blitzplusplus::vfmsi::LeftRight< RANK, blitzplusplus::vfmsi::Left > >
 Cevolved::TimeStepBookkeeperBookkeeps the timestep-data of Evolved
 Cblitzplusplus::TinyVectorLengthTraits< V >An indirection for accessing lengths of blitz::TinyVector at compile time
 Ctrajectory::ensemble::Traits< T, T_ELEM >Traits class governing how to average up several T_ELEM types into a T type in the most efficient way (which is usually not with the naive addition operator)
 Cblitzplusplus::basi::Transposer< RANK, V >Class performing the “possible permutation” of the retained indices (cf. Synopsis)
 Ccpputils::TypeID< A >Template metafunction providing an identifier string for the multi-array A